Professional Training & Workshops

Dr. Nadar's workshops and presentations are designed to enhance the expertise of psychotherapists in supporting marginalized communities. Her sessions are deeply rooted in academic research and are further enriched by her extensive practical experience across diverse therapeutic settings. These educational offerings are not only informative but also instrumental in expanding the understanding and skills of mental health professionals in dealing with a range of complex issues faced by their clients.

Love on the Run: Exploring the connection between ADHD and polyamory

Seminar Description:  This seminar with delve into the complex relationship between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and polyamorous relationships. Dr. Nadar will focus on how ADHD affects interpersonal dynamics, emphasizing both the challenges and benefits in polyamorous contexts. The seminar begins with an in-depth look at ADHD, including its symptoms and effects on emotional regulation and impulsivity in relationships. It then examines why individuals with ADHD might be drawn to polyamory, exploring the need for novelty and complex social interactions. Dr. Nadar will provide insights from clinical experiences, offering practical strategies for managing ADHD within the framework of polyamorous relationships.

Structural Dissociation Model: A Framework for Addressing Trauma in Individual and Relationship Clients

Seminar Description:  The structural dissociation model is a framework that explains how people with complex trauma have fragmented personalities. The model suggests that relational trauma leads to the development of alternating different states, each with their own emotions, coping strategies, and concepts of self and relationships. This framework offers clinicians a tangible strategy for decreasing client alienation from self and others. This training will introduce the structural dissociation model as a lens for identifying, understanding, and working with trauma both in individual and relationship therapy.

Erotic Transference and Countertransference in the Therapeutic Relationship: A Friend or Foe?

Seminar Description:  Dr Nadar delves into the complex and often controversial topic of erotic transference and countertransference within the psychotherapy relationship. Through this seminar, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics of erotic transference and countertransference. The seminar is designed to challenge practitioners to reflect on their own beliefs and practices, providing a balanced exploration of how these phenomena can be both a friend and a foe in the psychotherapeutic journey.

The Hero’s Journey: The Internal Journey of Transformation and Trauma Recovery

Seminar Description: We will discuss using stories, myths, and fairy tales in clinical contexts to support clients as they deepen self-understanding, consolidate insights, and move forward in their growth. We will also cover how such stories may support clinicians as we grow in our journeys as healers. 

Guidelines for Working with and Supporting Arab/MENA Students for Professors and Instructors

Seminar Description:  Join us for an interactive workshop focusing on the critical aspects of working with and supporting Arab/MENA (Middle East and North Africa) students in educational environments. This workshop will provide participants with valuable insights, practical strategies, and resources to create inclusive and supportive spaces tailored to the needs of Arab/MENA students, particularly those deeply affected by the genocide of the Palestinians. Through engaging discussions and some hands-on activities, attendees will gain the tools and knowledge necessary to foster understanding, empathy, and reduce unintended harm through informed and effective communication between educators and Arab/MENA students.

Unrecognized Trauma: Clinical and Ethical Considerations in Responding to Micro-aggressions in Supervision and Psychotherapy

Seminar Description: This program will focus on the potentially harmful effects of micro-aggressions and unrecognized trauma in clinical supervision and psychotherapy services, particularly with respect to the power dynamic within these relationships and relevant cultural diversity considerations. 

Clinical Considerations in Working with Stigmatized Sexual Identities and Interests: LGBTQIA+, nonmonogamous/polyamorous, Kink/BDSM, and Erotic Labor.

Seminar Description: Exposure to stigmatized sexual identities and interests with a focus on understanding clinical and diversity considerations, exploring therapist bias and potential harm ensued unto these populations, and learning more affirmative ways to interact with clients holding these identities.

Clinical Considerations in Working with Trans and Gender Expansive Clients 

Seminar Description: This workshop will provide foundational knowledge, skills, and awareness regarding transgender and gender-expansive individuals in clinical settings. We will cover how to join with these clients to facilitate greater self-understanding within the context of a marginalizing world. We will explore the pressures and systems that may impact transgender and gender-expansive experiences. We will also discuss the intersection of gender with intersectional identities and experiences, as well as gender dysphoria, a range of medical and social transition options, and risks specific to this population. 

Migration and Attachment: Clinical Considerations When Working with Immigrants, Refugees, and Asylees

Seminar Description: A deeper dive into the process of migration and associated experiences of trauma, displacement, marginalization, and discrimination. This didactic will explore the role of attachment in migration, the acculturation process, trauma, and subsequent psychological distress. The reflexive relationship between

attachment and the acculturation process presents new avenues for future research and meaningful clinical work.

Occupation Hazards and Self-care of Mental Health Clinicians

Seminar Description: An exploration of occupational hazards associated with being a mental health practitioner as they relate to interpersonal, professional, and community relationships, as well as various self-care practices.

Clinical Supervision and Consultation

Dr. Hayat Nadar, PsyD, is a licensed Clinical Psychologist providing consultation and supervision regarding clinical with specialized populations, which include:


  • BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color)

  • Immigrant

  • Neurodivergent (ADHD, Autism, Gifted, HSP, etc.)

  • Polyamory & Nonmonogamy

  • Kink & BDSM

  • Sex Work and Erotic Labor

  • Dark Side of Giftedness

  • Trans & Gender Diverse