As the Depth Collective, a BIPOC-run and centered practice, we reaffirm our steadfast commitment to anti-racism, decolonization, and liberation. Aligned with these principles, we stand in solidarity with the Palestinian community amidst their profound crisis and genocide.

The Humanitarian Crisis

Since October 7th, the devastating statistics speak for themselves.  At least 30,000 Palestinians, including 12,300 children and 8,400 women, have lost their lives, and more than 70,000 have been injured. The crisis goes beyond these alarming figures, with over half a million Palestinians facing the risk of famine.

Impact of Hate Crimes 

The mental health struggles are further exacerbated by hate crimes against Palestinians in the US. A harrowing example is the case reported by CNN of Wadea Shahin, a 6-year-old Palestinian-American boy, brutally stabbed by a Zionist landlord 26 times along with his mother in Chicago, Illinois, leading to the boy’s death and injuries to the mother so severe that she couldn't attend her son’s funeral. Such incidents of violence and discrimination add another layer of trauma for the Palestinian-American community, highlighting the need for specialized mental health support.

Mental Health Consequences

The mental health impact on Palestinian US residents is severe. They endure the anguish of losing family and the constant struggle against discrimination and silencing in the US.  The tragic case of US Air Force member Aaron Bushnell, who set himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C., in protest against the ongoing genocide in Palestine, illustrates the depth of despair and moral conflict experienced by those connected to this crisis. 


Immediate Ceasefire: Calling for a prompt and permanent end to the Palestinian genocide.

Humanitarian Aid: Ensuring unimpeded access for medical teams, supplies, and essential services such as water, food, fuel, electricity, and internet.

Ending U.S. Interference: Advocating for the cessation of U.S. obstruction against international protections for Palestinians and opposing forced displacements within and outside Gaza.

Lifting the Siege: Demanding an end to the siege on Gaza and the occupation of Palestine, including the cessation of U.S. support for these actions.


Advocate for Palestinian Rights: Join us in amplifying the voices and struggles of the Palestinian people. Participate in peaceful demonstrations, engage in dialogue about the crisis, and use social media platforms to raise awareness about the need for a free Palestine.

Mobilize Community Support: We encourage community leaders, activists, and organizations to collaborate and create a united front in support of Palestinian freedom. Organize community events, educational sessions, and fundraising campaigns to aid those affected by the crisis.

Provide Mental Health Aid: Offer support to those impacted by ongoing discrimination and hate crimes within the Palestinian and Arab American communities. Volunteer your skills, donate to mental health initiatives, or provide resources for culturally appropriate and trauma-informed mental health services.

Challenge Injustice through Advocacy: Engage with your local and national representatives to advocate for policies that support Palestinian rights and an end to the violence. Write letters, make phone calls, and petition for change at both the legislative and grassroots levels.

Educate Yourself and Others: Take the initiative to educate yourself and others about the Palestinian struggle. Read, attend lectures, and participate in workshops. Spread knowledge to combat misinformation and deepen understanding within your communities.

Foster Inclusive Spaces: Create and nurture environments where diverse voices, particularly those of Palestinians and Arab Americans, are heard and respected. Promote inclusive dialogue in schools, workplaces, and social settings.

Support Palestinian Culture and Heritage: Embrace and celebrate Palestinian culture through art, music, literature, and culinary events. Supporting Palestinian artists and businesses can be a meaningful way to show solidarity.

“When we revolt it’s not for a particular culture. We revolt simply because, for many reasons, we can no longer breathe.”

— Frantz Fanon