At The Depth Collective, we deeply understand the profound challenges and traumas that come with living in a world that often doesn't see or value all aspects of who you are. Holding minoritized identities isn't just tough; it's a journey marked by deep and often unseen wounds – likened to enduring 'death by a thousand bee stings.' Each person on our team has walked paths marked by similar struggles, warmly welcomes you into a space of healing and celebration.

We see you. We honor the complex tapestry of your identities, and we're here to help you untangle the burdens unfairly placed upon you by social systems that can be overtly oppressive or subtly pervasive, like ghosts in the background of our lives. Just as a parent reflects their child's identity back to them, society mirrors ours back to us. But for those who've been marginalized, this reflection often comes twisted with negative, internalized messages about us. We want to stand with you in challenging these distortions and in recognizing that the shame, guilt, and anxiety pushed onto you do not define you.

In our practice, we believe in the power of understanding the full story – your story – which cannot be separated from the social, cultural, and political tapestry that surrounds us. The negative perceptions and biases of the mainstream world have a profound impact on how we see ourselves and our place in the world. Many of us carry these burdens without even realizing it, and they significantly shape our mental and emotional well-being.

Our approach is nurturing and insightful, focusing on how the socio-political environment intertwines with your personal psychology. We delve into the unconscious processes and interpersonal dynamics that shape your view of the world and yourself. Together, we'll explore how societal inequities and systemic oppression have contributed to feelings of devaluation and pathology, especially for those existing on the margins of society.

At The Depth Collective, our heart lies in walking alongside you as you rediscover and reclaim your narrative. We're here to help you liberate your identity from the harsh judgments and biases of the world, guiding you toward a path of healing, empowerment, and self-acceptance. You're not alone in this journey, and we're committed to being your compassionate allies every step of the way.

“Stars are born out of dark moments.”

— Matshona Dhliwayo